Smartall for GIRLS also nourishes blood and promotes circulation, body and height development, conditioning menstruation and hormones secretion, beautifies the skin, improves focus and learning capability.
喜迈高(女)最主要就能调血养血、促进血液循环、 身体和身高发育,不仅如此,它也能调理月经和促进发育成长 ,滋润女孩子的皮肤、提高学习力和专注力。
Product Details:
- Packing 包装规格: 70ml/毫升 x 4 bottles/瓶
- Ingredients 成份: Water 水, Yam 山药, Bittergourd juice 苦瓜汁, Angelicae sinensis 当归, Paeoniae alba 白芍, Lingusticum Chuangxiong 川芎 and Radix Rehmanniae 熟地.

Direction of Use :
Consume one bottle per day, preferable in the morning before food.